
Kieze 2024

Source: Timothy Winchester
Source: Demic
Source: The Unexpected Type
Source: MagentaMusik
Source: Lilith
Source: Jess Stempel
Source: HEMA


“Kieze”, as we call our camps, are the heart of our event because each one offers something different to the community. Thanks for making Kiez Burn an unforgettable, crazy and magical experience 🔥

Register your Kiez & save your spot on the playa!

Source: undefined

The Camp Registration Deadline has ended!

Maybe you bring some magic to the free camping area? Or you become a member of a registered Kiez?

Source: Burgess Rawson
Source: Mekamee

We’ve got a place for you to start. Kieze are one way of many to actively participate in the Burn. Each has its own focus and brings different offerings to the community! Possibilities are endless…

You can either start a new camp, join an existing one – or do your own thing as a Free Camper.

This is a participatory and non-commercial event created by volunteers. There will be no stores for food and drinks on the site. You have to bring everything yourself. Due to the potentially high fire hazard level, you may only be able to cook in secured camp structures. We suggest you to practice self-reliance and keep yourself informed on our channels!

If you would like to bring your own jukebox or sound system (larger than a standard bluetooth speaker/ louder than room volume), register as a sound camp and check in with our Sound Lead.

more information & guidance

Source: Viajá Culturas

Chat with our community:

Source: Konfettirausch

Check out the Wiki:
– FAQs
– Learnings & tips
– Sound guidelines

Source: AmandaKolbye

Contact your Kieze Facilitators

Kieze on the playa in 2024

Source: Lowell Observatory

common food: maybe
kids/family friendly: maybe
sound camp: no
workshop space: no
new members: no


The Observatory

The art camp “The Observatory” at Kiez Burn 2024 is now open to new Stars!

Strange things keep happening all around you. Unusual light patterns in the sky, outrageous behaviors, and it’s not only other people - you’re doing things you never expected.

No wonder folks keep crawling back into the Dimension Hopping Dome: remember all those mysterious lights, curious creatures, and otherworldly sounds that enveloped you last time? Well, today the Observatory brings you to a completely new Destination. What will you experience this year? Will you be on the floor like a starfish? Or whirling around like a Sufi dancer?

You’re sure that your friends back home won’t believe what you saw - and sensed. But does it matter? Your feet will remember that intricate dance and your eyes will replay those starry skies just before you fall asleep. But most of all, your heart will beat to the rhythm of time expansion, when you get unstuck from today and freed from all the mucky norms and definitions. Inside the Dimension Hopping Dome you’ll be truly and fully welcomed just as you are.

Applications are closed.

Source: Santiagoz_Arts

common food: maybe
kids/family friendly: no
sound camp: no
workshop space: yes
new members: maybe

& s+

Harlot Haus

Harlot Haus is a kink and sex-positive camp created by a queer+friends community. Our gift to the playa is a facilitated play space. This year we will also create a Shibari dome for rope enthusiasts! You can expect general sexy silliness, kinky fun and a celebration of everyone exactly as they are – while we create a sexy oasis of sluttiness at Kiez Burn!

Source: nicolas lalonde

common food: maybe
kids/family friendly: yes
sound camp: no
workshop space: no
new members: no

chill space

Just Jessie

Hellow 🙋‍♀️ It's me, Jessie. Welcome to my Kiez "Just Jessie" 🌟

Chill in my cozy space, sip on occasional tea, unleash your creativity at the drawing corner, and help yourself anytime at my 24/7 self-service station. It's a cozy and plain haven for those seeking a tranquil escape 🏕️✨

Source: cait robinson

common food: maybe
kids/family friendly: maybe
sound camp: applied
workshop space: yes
new members: maybe

fire &

Promethean flames

Promethean Flames are a playful bunch of movement artists and creative minds. We offer flow, movement, and body-mind-focused workshops to each other and the burner community, nurturing a spirit of curiousity. Our flow space serves as a playground open to everyone and all kinds of movements. We also bring a fire space to light up the night! As a camp, we value community, transparency, authenticity, mindfulness, reliability, creativity and inspiration.

Sounds good? Then click the link and fill out our vibe check, we'll get in touch soon :)

If the form is closed, our camp is full.

Source: buza_super

common food: no
kids/family friendly: no
sound camp: applied
workshop space: yes
new members: yes

Source: Brian Lambert

music, chill & workshops

Kunst Kunts

The Kunst Kunts are back! Years of evolution have turned them into dominant apex alpha professional fun-havers. Drop by our real legendary magical Späti to have an objectively ok time and terribly acceptable service. Our kunt monks and kunt researchers recently prophesied the emergence of a boiler tent in our camp that will carry messages in the form of sweet beats. Come for the späti and stay for the kunts and kunst. This is not a joke. We are serious about having fun.

Source: akrobatdesign

common food: no
kids/family friendly: yes
sound camp: no
workshop space: yes
new members: yes

chill space &


Welcome to the Burnouts, where weary burners find solace amidst the chaos.

The Burnouts ethos revolves around kindness and caring. We cherish the diversity of our community, welcoming both queer and non-queer individuals with open arms. Respecting each other's identities is not just a priority—it's a fundamental principle we hold dear.

Relax in our Hängematten village, where you can sway gently under the shade of towering trees, lulled by the gentle breeze. For those seeking a bit of whimsy, our runway beckons with Drachen waiting to take flight.

(we will set up hammocks and kites for self-reliant use)

Source: PHAZED

common food: maybe
kids/family friendly: no
sound camp: no
workshop space: yes
new members: yes


Psychedelic Spirit Whisperers

We, the Psychedelic Spirit Whisperers, traverse dimensions united by love, freedom, and healing for all. Seeking to bring our curandismo and healing energy to the whimsical Kiez Burner gathering Ready to channel our inner healers, we pledge to spread love and laughter to mend the wounded souls of the universe.

(e-mail for camp applications coming soon)

Source: The Fox Mercantile

common food: maybe
kids/family friendly: yes
sound camp: no
workshop space: yes
new members: no

chill, bar &

The Inbetween

The Inbetween is the space between the serious and the silly. Home to fae folk, mischief makers and magical beings of all varieties. We invite you to join us in games, drinks and playing pretend.

Source: GumiPoni

common food: maybe
kids/family friendly: maybe
sound camp: applied
workshop space: yes
new members: no

music, chill & workshops


Yes yes yes

You want to taste sweet and salty on your tongue, united as only the Spreewald gherkin can do. Dancing in the heat with all your loving humans around you sharing a gherkin. Quite romantic if you eat a gherkin from both sides? Come and grap prickled vegetables! Two of us will play their best sets to take you on a journey to the spreewald. Our recommendation grap a gherkin, and a vegan schmalzstulle and drink with us a “Teich”. One of us likes toads, can you find the toad in our camp? Pickled macht lustig!

Source: Marie Boiseau

common food: maybe
kids/family friendly: yes
sound camp: applied
workshop space: yes
new members: no

music, bar &

Source: Plenty

house of plenty

House of Plenty is a family of weirdos. We are relaxed, queer friendly, no drama. We focus on creating a welcoming atmosphere for everyone, camp members and visitors. We provide for camp members (shared food, room for workshops, shared infrastrucutre) as well as for guests (we run a bar, food gifting, evening sound).

Members are expected to work two shifts in the camp, as well as pay a camp fee.

common food: maybe
kids/family friendly: maybe
sound camp: no
workshop space: yes
new members: maybe

Source: Major Food Group

art & workshops

Romanesco Realm

🥕 Dive into the enigmatic world of the Romanesco Realm, where the mysterious allure of algorithmic vegetables meets the earthy charm of their traditional cousins in a co-creational garden of delights.

🌶️ Within our geometric sanctuary, a geodesic dome houses an interactive art exhibition that blurs the lines between observer and creator, inviting you to become part of the living masterpiece.

🌽 As custodians of curiosity, we also bring a workshop space hosting offerings as varied as the hues of our beloved vegetables.

🥦 Get nourished by our vegetable garden’s bounty, and join us in the celebration of the recursive beauty of life!

(contact e-mail coming soon)

Source: Ticketmaster International
Source: graphicattack

common food: no
kids/family friendly: maybe
sound camp: applied
workshop space: no
new members: yes


Mighty music miners

We are the Mighty Music Miners – a place for music and music lovers. With our team of talented DJs and Live Acts we want to bring joy, fun and a lot of dancing to all burners. And with our mighty Soundsystem a big smile on all faces. We would love to share our knowledge, so please feel free to ask for a dj workshop, maybe we can do some introduction into modular synthesizers as well. And we have a heart for your spirit – one of our members is a Vedic astrologist and can provide you with some interesting facts about your future and your past. And if you are seeking for your spiritpartner - we would love to do some astrological blinddating ;)

The Music in our camp will be mainly electronic, ranging from ambient and drone music to house, tech house, techno and psy.

Our Soundsystem is open for other acts, too – if you are making electronic dance music and would like to play, please contact Tallah – please put „kiezburn dj application“ in the header and include a link to a dj or liveset:

common food: maybe
kids/family friendly: maybe
sound camp: no
workshop space: no
new members: no

Source: Troupe429

chill, drinks
& music

Agentur für ABBA

Von vorne wie von hinten ABBA: The super trouper brand new Agency on the block. Will provide services as yet undefined; the only thing that´s for sure:
There´ll be ABBA. Lay all your love on us, chiquititas!

Source: Latitude Festival

common food: no
kids/family friendly: yes
sound camp: applied
workshop space: no
new members: maybe

Source: Lyric Opera of Kansas City


Source: undefined
Source: Serato


Musotopia is back this year with even more live and electronic music, all night all you can play music jams and famous no-trance-friday Shmuso party.

We love music in all forms and sizes!

Source: 45000FT

common food: maybe
kids/family friendly: no
sound camp: no
workshop space: yes
new members: yes

Source: Douglas Schatz

music, bar & playground

Source: ToBazaki


Your Campy Afterhour Camp
Fashion! 👛
That’s hot! 🔥

Open for applications! Write to [email protected]
or @janina.kassandra.risky on discord

common food: maybe
kids/family friendly: no
sound camp: applied
workshop space: yes
new members: yes

Source: Dinaaaaaah
Source: toomanynadias

music, chill & workshops

The Mothership

(Interdimensional Space Travel Federation (ISTF) Archive; Rec.: 04.20.1969, Time of Rec.: 04:20EST, Location: CLASSIFIED; Author: REDACTED)

*This Message goes out to all those weirdos who are willing to listen. It is time for the truth to be made known! [REDACTED] Did you always have this feeling that there is more out there and, more importantly, that the government is hiding it from us? Are you tired of being looked upon as a kook by those unwilling to open their hearts and minds? Have you been looking for something out there, not even sure of what you're searching for? Search no more brave soul! We invite you all, you outcasts, you truth seekers and those who are willing to believe, to our towering citadel of the stars, "The Mothership". We will share our stories of otherworldly experiences around the campfire and come together to an greater understanding of the Universe. And when the time comes we all shall congregate and all those left in the darkness will want to party their pants off when the truth comes out.

[REDACTED] they will reveal all at [REDACTED]

Our tunes of astral bliss shall be heard and we will be dancing in celebration of the truth until the dawn. We will go forth and enlighten those brave enough to break the chains of Babylon. Join us in our cantina on board for otherworldly food and cocktails the likes of which you´ve never seen. Go on a trip in our marvelous spacecraft, surf the waves of ethereal serendipity amongst the stars and inhale those clouds of funky space dust like you've always dreamed of! And maybe just maybe you get to party with some aliens from planet Zangarana.

For we are one people and one Love, come and get weird with us

on "The Mothership"!

Message End*

Source: Erstwilder

common food: no
kids/family friendly: yes
sound camp: no
workshop space: yes
new members: yes

Source: Erstwilder

art, chill & workshops

Art Deco Sanctuary

Our camp is all about art and relaxation. We offer an enclosed, art nouveau-themed pavillon, where we will exhibit art, create art and host other small workshops. Participants can use the pavillon to have a tranquil moment enjoying the displayed art or for a small cuddle session.

Source: Oakheart Property

common food: no
kids/family friendly: maybe
sound camp: no
workshop space: maybe
new members: maybe

art &

Source: BabyBoo.ie

That's Confidential



common food: maybe
kids/family friendly: no
sound camp: applied
workshop space: no
new members: yes

art, chill & workshops

bar, art &


Bienvenue à Paris, la ville de l'amour! Heart of the famous UNDERground scene, WORLD's leading home of #downtempowegbassen. You thought Berlin was the party capital? Check out Paris and have a rendezvous with your favourite DJs – that's hot, that's #sliving !

Camp member applications deadline: 27.4.
Who are you? What experience/skills do you have? How do you want to get involved in the camp?

(We are urgently looking for a light and sound technician.)

Source: Meg
Source: Bleu forêt, coop de communication responsable

common food: maybe
kids/family friendly: no
sound camp: no
workshop space: no
new members: maybe

bar &

Source: culturedguru

Fermentation love

We love fermentation, at least some of us.

Source: Loof and Timmy

common food: no
kids/family friendly: yes
sound camp: applied
workshop space: yes
new members: maybe

chill &

Saunacious Spa

Feeling tired after a long night of Burning? You want to come back down and relax?

Then Saunicious Spa is there for you!

Imagine having a selection of refreshing saunas and baths to be able to recharge and rejuvenate your mind, body and soul.

common food: maybe
kids/family friendly: no
sound camp: no
workshop space: yes
new members: yes

Source: The Quick Pickle

playground, workshops & chill

Das Unordnungsamt

We create disorder and provide space for useless waiting...

common food: maybe
kids/family friendly: maybe
sound camp: applied
workshop space: yes
new members: yes

Source: okpixels


Green Kiez


Source: Flight Club Music Group

common food: maybe
kids/family friendly: yes
sound camp: applied
workshop space: yes
new members: yes

Source: Feliks Tomasz Konczakowski

art & workshops

The Limbo

We are a humble siblinghood temporarily caught in the ambiguous space between the pit of descent and the tower of ascendance. We serve the higher entity in our hope to find the answers that will carve the path before us. We are interested in questions such as: How to overcome the blight of involuntary death? If up is for transcendence how hard can I fall? Was it left or right? Where is my cup? and - above all- Who me be?

Source: Knitrino

common food: yes
kids/family friendly: maybe
sound camp: no
workshop space: yes
new members: maybe

playground& music

Mellow Submarine

Welcome aboard the Mellow Submarine — where everyone's invited, and their alter egos too! Join us for a fantastical and cozy journey, with sound-concept-defying silent disco parties, snuggly cuddle puddles, ecstatic dancing, naked pancakes, random facts, and more. New burners are very welcome, let us take you for a dive!

Source: Tania Tania

common food: yes
kids/family friendly: no
sound camp: no
workshop space: no
new members: no

& chill

Source: Pallavi - A Day To Make

PRep ’n’ Breakfast

You’re looking to chill, to afterhour or just hang around with your friends? Sure, but only after breakfast! Come around for some yummy oats, a cheesy toast or a refreshing Boonekamp. But you’ll probably have to serve yourself since we’re still asleep…

Source: Alcove Studio

common food: no
kids/family friendly: yes
sound camp: applied
workshop space: yes
new members: no

playground, art & music

Source: Russell Taysom

Cafe Wonderland

cafe wonderland goes absurd. forming a big absurdiverse for all the weirdest characters

Source: Nikki Doodles

common food: no
kids/family friendly: no
sound camp: applied
workshop space: yes
new members: yes

Source: Have A Nice Day

& music

Source: Ivy Mono

Tiki Zaloon

🤠🌺 The Tiki Zaloon™ is officially recruiting new burner talents! If you're kiezless and looking to join one of Kiezburn's most ancient tribes, this might be your lucky day. For first-timers and the absentminded, the Tiki Zaloon™ is known for its bustling bar, rowdy dancefloor, weird bull-riding, and over-the-top Wild West theme (which this year will also obtain an infusion of fake Hawaiin cultural appropriation because why not). Spots are limited, so think fast & apply:

Source: Great Big Story

common food: no
kids/family friendly: no
sound camp: applied
workshop space: yes
new members: yes

Source: Blockhaus Freiburg

playground, chill & music

Spice Space

We come from outer space to bring you the spice 🌶️🥵🔥 at spice space we value everything fiery and revere all things zesty! We are here to take you on a cosmic journey through the infinite realms of the piquant.

Source: valroa
Source: VJ Suave
Source: Dinaaaaaah

common food: no
kids/family friendly: yes
sound camp: no
workshop space: yes
new members: no

& art

Cosmic Carnival

Step into the whimsical realm of Cosmic Carnival, our sanctuary within the Kiez Burn mosaic, where a diverse gathering of cosmic nerds come together to celebrate the kaleidoscope of creativity and childlike wonder. Immerse yourself in our vibrant playground, where you can rediscover the art of arcade, participate in captivating workshops, sculpt melodies and play with the realms of expression. Unearth the emergent wonders of our collective cosmos and hidden wonders of the playa!

We do welcome art pieces and games to be put in our Cosmic Carnival.

common food: maybe
kids/family friendly: no
sound camp: no
workshop space: yes
new members: maybe

Source: CuteAnimations

& chill

bar/kitchen & chill

Perreo Hippies Retreat (PHR)

In our retreat you can experience deceleration…like when the beat gets slower…and the movements of your bum too.

Source: undefined
Source: BigBrains

common food: no
kids/family friendly: yes
sound camp: no
workshop space: yes
new members: no

workshops &

Money Camp

From Monkey to lots of Money within a year. Find us again - maybe more snobby, maybe more fancy, maybe more shiny, maybe more classy, maybe more dodgy - but definately with lots of $$$. Maybe come and gamble, trade, pawn, simply admire us, join a new trade market, learn a thing or two on how to get $$$ - inspiration, manifestation and $$$ advice included! All is possible here!

Source: Comicada

common food: no
kids/family friendly: no
sound camp: no
workshop space: yes
new members: maybe

& chill

bar/kitchen & chill

Fort Kirschnougat

A continuation of previous cuddly Kieze coming together as one. Our collected skills are in no particular order: making pancakes, cosy cuddles, dancing barefoot (while pancaking), sexy cuddles, massage exchanges, kissing workshops, singing circles, body painting, asking for consent.

Interested in joining? Mail [email protected] or text on Discord: @ezk84

Source: Plush - Think Sofas

common food: maybe
kids/family friendly: maybe
sound camp: applied
workshop space: yes
new members: no


Living Room

What if you found a place where you could do all the things you do in your living room at home? Hang out, chill with friends, sip a chai, watch your funky folks doing their thing, listen to some great music, eat some snacks from our snack shrine, have a nap or enjoy a little party... We create Cozy Utopia! From treasureful workshops to playful cuddles, interactive story telling from last night's adventures and sweet surprises: The stage is yours, let it become alive. The movie will go on - our joyful promise. So bring your favourite pillow, jumper and friends for next level comfy cosiness... Be an essential of the Living Room! This is not a joke.

Source: mitliebegemacht
Source: Seasonal Being

common food: no
kids/family friendly: no
sound camp: applied
workshop space: yes
new members: maybe

& chill

sexy/kinky & chill

bar/kitchen & chill

Nackti Nackti

Sensual wild tantric loveground welcomes all shades of peepz to slip into lustful desires. Voluptuous variety awaits the abundant to give, the ripe to receive, all lovers to love.
From slow touch to fast feast, join hostet pop ups or pop up to host.
Startkuss ist Donnerstagabend die Nackti Nackti Party!

Source: Pur Group Int.

common food: no
kids/family friendly: no
sound camp: applied
workshop space: yes
new members: maybe

workshops &


Goldmund Temple

The holy Goldmund Temple
We celebrate the holiness of Goldmund, the companion of Narciss. We offer exploration of the funny side of sex, and the sexy side of cult. In our sensual cozy rituals you can purify your soul. You can move your body while being slowly touched by the music.

Source: By Sauts // Alex Sautter

common food: no
kids/family friendly: yes
sound camp: no
workshop space: no
new members: yes

& chill

music/art & chill


🔥🚀 Join the Adventure at Camp Starfucks! 🔥🚀

Are you ready to dive into a world where creativity knows no bounds, where community thrives, and where the aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingles with the spirit of Kiez Burn? Welcome to Camp Starfucks, where we're more than just your average caffeine fix - we're a vibrant oasis in the woods, serving up liquid energy with a side of radical self-expression.

Do you want to join us at Camp Starfucks and make memories that will last a lifetime? We are aiming for a camp size of 15 to 20 wonderful souls who want to bring their best self to the camp. But first, we need to make sure you're the perfect fit for our enthusiastic, vibrant and caffeinated crew! Briefly answer this questionnaire to help us get to know you better:

Source: Disney Sports

common food: no
kids/family friendly: yes
sound camp: no
workshop space: no
new members: maybe

chill &

Never Never Land

Fly over to Never Never Land and never never grow up. Set sail with Captain Hook, visit the mermaids in mermaid's grove, or hide away with the lost boys. There are games to explore and magical cuddles to be had. Adventure awaits you.

Source: Yousician

common food: yes
kids/family friendly: no
sound camp: applied
workshop space: yes
new members: yes

Source: Bauholz SAS

art & chill

Those (Mind)fucking Neighbors

Are you curious enough to peek over our picket fence to the mysteries within? Will you be bold enough to keep up with the Joneses after learning we are less likely to inspire you to buy a flashy new car than to change your consciousness? Can we rely on you to shake your fist and impassionately scream, “Those mindfucking neighbours!” not through anger but enthusiasm? Then come on over the edge and let the universe do the knocking! Hidden in your neighborhood is the Temple of Loonacy who welcomes all magical fools and foolish magicians to a fool spectrum of chaotic expression, consciousness exploration, creative manifestation, and joyful transformation. Solve et coagula!

Source: Isabel Klein

common food: maybe
kids/family friendly: no
sound camp: no
workshop space: yes
new members: maybe

art, chill &

chill &

The sensory smorgasmbord

We will let you explore your sensory experiences in a new way. Textures, smells, taste - the way you haven’t experienced it before.

Source: TeaBag

common food: maybe
kids/family friendly: no
sound camp: no
workshop space: no
new members: maybe

bar/kitchen & chill

cuddle puddle

Cuddle Puddle

common food: no
kids/family friendly: yes
sound camp: no
workshop space: yes
new members: maybe

Source: Shallow Lagoon

art &

The Egg Camp

What is that thing in the corner of the playa? It's round and warm. We can see it moving. It's an egg! What's growing in the egg? Nobody knows yet.

The egg camp is a gathering of friendly burners, cooperating to provide for each other the basic amenities for a happy burn. A kitchen, food, a place to hang out together, and time to develop your gifts to the burn.

Source: Homebook

common food: no
kids/family friendly: no
sound camp: applied
workshop space: yes
new members: maybe

chill &

bar/kitchen & chill


"Oh Baby, Baby it's a wild world..."

In the heart of chaos, a haven stands,
ComfortZone, where solace commands.

Amidst the wild world's frantic pace,
Here, a gentle refuge, a serene space.
With chai's warmth, we find our way,
To center ourselves, in the calm of the day.

A cozy nook, where souls unite,

To share, to connect, to renew our light.

In this haven, both safe and bright,

We embrace the day, and bid the night.

A place to learn, to grow, to be,

Sometimes transforming into a workshop space: Workshop Leaders, you are welcome!

So come, find solace, in ComfortZone's embrace,

A sanctuary, in this bustling place.

Escape the world, just for a while,

And bask in comfort's soothing smile.

Source: Schlumberger Wein-und Sektkellerei

common food: no
kids/family friendly: no
sound camp: no
workshop space: no
new members: no

art &

fun &


A world where slut shaming is as alien as the patriachy itself, enter this tropical oasis and enjoy. Indulge in the liberating atmosphere at our Sekt-positive beach bar 🍸, where the bubbles are as sparkling as the freedom you'll feel. Some say that it's hard to enter Slutsgaarden without awakening you inner slut. We advice you to have your slut name ready upon entering this slutty world 🪩

Source: OpticalArtInc.

common food: no
kids/family friendly: no
sound camp: no
workshop space: no
new members: maybe


Tunnel Folk

We're building a large rotating mirror tunnel. Want to get your hands dirty and help build it? Can you come to Kiezburn 3+ days early? Let us know!

camp registration is closed now!

Source: deladeso